Our Universal system supports single domain and multi-domain setup. Determining single or multiple domain setups within the universal tools will be dependent on your institution's structure.
If everyone within your institution uses the same domain name, “Single domain email address for all students and staff”
Tell us your domain name and we will put it in our system at a student permission level.
Students can then create their accounts and start using the Universal tools immediately.
Step 1. Students go directly to the product URL cowriter.com or snapandread.com. Or launch the extensions.
Step 2. Sign in with Google if using Google, else enter Microsoft email and password to sign in using their Microsoft Live or Office 365 account.
Step 3. Administrator for the license will need to go to educatordashboard.com and invite educators via email.
If educators and/or administrators have a second or subdomain to distinguish them from students allowing for different email "usernames", called multi-domain. This is the most common design for education institutions that manage more than one domain and require user names for each domain.
For multi-domain account setup, simply give us your domain(s) information, default user level permissions for each one and we will setup when activating your license.
Students permission = studentmail.myschool.com
Educator permission = myschool.com
Step 1. Students go directly to the product URL cowriter.com or snapandread.com. Or launch the extensions. Sign in!
Step 2. Educators go directly to the product URL cowriter.com or snapandread.com. Sign in!