Steps for setting up LTI App in Canvas
Ensure you are an Administer in both Canvas and the Don Johnston Inc App you are setting up (Co:Writer, Snap&Read, uPAR, and/or Word Bank).
In Canvas go to Admin/Settings/Apps
3. Click on "View App Configurations
4. Click "+ App"
5. Click the Configuration Type and choose "By URL"
6. Use the Following to set up the App
Name: Co:Writer, Snap&Read, uPAR, or Word Bank
Consumer Key/Shared Secret
Go to,,, or
After logging in as an Administrator, in the upper right corner click on your name and choose "LTI Config"
Choose "Canvas"
Click "Create"
Use the Copy icon to the right of the key/secret to Copy/Paste into Canvas.
The Config URL for each app is the following (you can copy/paste into the Config URL field.
The "Add App" dialog should look something like this...
Click "Submit"