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Universal extension easy install options for Chrome Browser and Chrome OS
Universal extension easy install options for Chrome Browser and Chrome OS

Staff and students can install extensions on their own devices and computers. What is the easiest way to install the Universal tools?

Written by Jason Lewandowski
Updated over 5 months ago

Computers & Chromebooks

Install the Universal Extension (tool) by going to the product website using the Chrome Browser. for Co:Writer for Snap&Read.

Login or create a new account if you do not have one yet. 

The site will detect that you do not have the tool installed and will prompt to install automatically. 

If you decide to cancel the auto installation after the first login > click on your name > choose install >Chrome Extension. 

Note**Student login’s do not have the install option available in the drop-down menu. 

To install under a student login, visit the Chrome web store and install from there. 

Link to the the Co:Writer extension in the Chrome web store:

Link to the Snap&Read extension in the Chrome web store:

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