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Universal Protocol for Accommodations in Reading.
uPAR now has it's own website.
uPAR Whitelist
How do I give a student access to uPAR using a username and password?
How do I invite students into uPAR by email.
How do I add students by Google OU (Organizational Unit) to uPAR
How do I remove my Google OU from uPAR?
How do I add students to uPAR using a CSV file?
How do I import students from Google Classroom into uPAR.
How do I remove a Google Classroom from uPAR?
How do I remove a student from uPAR?
After I invite my student(s) how do they take the New uPAR protocol.
I added a student by email but they do not have an info button to the left of their name.
How do I view student data in uPAR ?
How do I change the since and to dates for the Upar Summary?
Under All Students what are my options when I go to Print, Download or create a CSV of the Summary Report?
Under Google Classroom classes what are my options when I go to Print, Download or create a CSV of the Summary Report?
Under Google OU what are my options to export the Summary Report?
How can I create a uPAR protocol using the Add CSV option?
How do I create a New protocol on the uPAR website if I am manually entering in the students.
Steps to create a Protocol CSV file for uPAR.(Using Google Sheets)
How do I edit a protocol I have created on the uPAR website.
How do I readminister a protocol from the uPAR website?
How can I see the Protocol website/URL and password I created so I can share it with my students.
How do I view a Protocols summary on the uPAR website?
How do I view the Cumulative Summary on the uPAR website.
How can the summary data in uPAR help me support my students?
How do I search for a specific students uPAR protocol results ?
How do I archive, unarchive or delete a Protocol on the uPAR website?
I added a student to a protocol by email. The student took the protocol, but I do not see the students results.
Why can’t I setup a uPAR reading assessment for students who have an independent reading level higher than their grade level?
Is there a way for me to see which passages a student read when they took the uPAR reading assessment?
Can more then one Educator be associated with a uPAR assessment?
uPar assessment questions are not matching the audio
Does uPAR have lexile levels for reading passages and what method does uPAR use to get them to grade level?