To add additional codes from multiple educators, have student log into the Don Johnston tool the admin/educator created the student code for:
For the Co:Writer, Word Bank or Snap&Read Chrome Extension:
Right or Left click on Extensions icon in the upper right hand corner of the Chrome Browser.
Select the options menu.
Click on their name in the upper right corner.
Click on "Connect with Educator".
Enter the student activation code and click Connect.
Once you have entered the new code and click done, this student will automatically connect to the new educator with that tool.
For the Co:Writer Chrome App or iOS :
Tap/click on their name on the home screen.
Tap/Click on 'code' link next to connect with educator.
Enter the code and tap/click done.
For Snap&Read iOS:
Click on the user icon (Circle with human silhouette) on the Snap&Read tool bar .
On the line under,"Connect with Educator" enter in the activation code from the educator.
After you enter the code tap on connect to the right of, "Connect with Educator".
Tap on OK when you see the message the code was applied successfully.