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How does a student connect with more then one Educator in Co:Writer, Word Bank or Snap&Read Universal?
How does a student connect with more then one Educator in Co:Writer, Word Bank or Snap&Read Universal?

How does a student apply a student code to connect with multiple Educators.

Written by Jason Lewandowski
Updated over a month ago

To add additional codes from multiple educators,  have student log into the Don Johnston tool the admin/educator created the student code for:

For the Co:Writer, Word Bank or Snap&Read Chrome Extension:

  • Right or Left click on Extensions icon  in the upper right hand corner of the Chrome Browser.

  • Select the options menu.  

  • Click on their name in the upper right corner.  

  • Click on "Connect with Educator". 

  • Enter the student activation code and click Connect.

  • Once you have entered the new code and click done, this student will automatically connect to the new educator with that tool.

For the Co:Writer Chrome App or iOS :

  • Tap/click on their name on the home screen.

  • Tap/Click on 'code' link next to connect with educator.

  • Enter the code and tap/click done.

For Snap&Read iOS:

  • Click on the user icon (Circle with human silhouette) on the Snap&Read tool bar .

  • On the line under,"Connect with Educator" enter in the activation code from the educator.

  • After you enter the code tap on connect to the right of, "Connect with Educator".

  • Tap on OK when you see the message the code was applied successfully.

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