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Administering Universal Software
Create and manage user accounts
I have more than one license for the same Don Johnston Tool. How do I pick the license I want to login to?
Educator and Student account setup
How do I make an Educator an admin?
How do I view or print student reports?
You can get to the Co:writer or Snap&Read website by clicking on your name in the Co:Writer or Snap&Read Extension drop down menu.
What is the Difference between a Chrome User Profile and the Default Chrome Profile when you access a Chrome Extension?
Steps to create and upload a CSV file to add Educators.(Using Google Sheets)
Steps to add an Educator to your Co:Writer, Snap&Read uPAR or Word Bank license.
How do I give a student access to Snap and Read, Co Writer, or Word Bank Universal using a username and password?
My student(s) cannot receive outside email, how can I give them access to Co Writer, Snap and Read or Word Bank Universal?
How do I invite my students to Co Writer, Snap and Read, uPAR or Word Bank Universal using email?
Steps to create and upload a CSV file to add students.(Using Google Sheets)
Adding students to a Don Johnston tool by Google OU is now live.
How do I add students by Google OU (Organizational Unit) to Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Word Bank?
I have added/removed students from my OU. How do I sync those changes with the Don Johnston Tool.
How do I remove a Google OU from a Don Johnston Tool?
Google OU Auto Sync.
How do I turn off Google OU Auto Sync for a Don Johnston tool.
How do I turn OU Auto Sync back on?
How do I view the Summary student data, if I added my students to Co:Writer and/or Snap&Read by Google OU.
Google Classroom Auto Sync is now live.
How do I turn off Google Classroom Auto Sync for a Don Johnston tool.
How do I turn Google Classroom Auto Sync back on?
How do I remove a Google Classroom from Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Word Bank Universal?
How do I view my Google Classroom(s) student Co:Writer or Snap&Read Universal reports?
I added/removed students from my Google Classroom. How do I apply those changes in Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Word Bank Universal?
How do I Import students from Google Classroom to Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Word Bank Universal?
How do Educators connect to their Google classroom(s) after the Google admin adds the OU to the Don Johnston Tool.
How can I see the Google Classroom(s) I added to Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Word Bank Universal?
How do I create a Student Activation code in Co:Writer, Snap&Read, or Word Bank Universal?
How do my student(s) apply a Student Activation code to create a Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Word Bank Universal account using a username and password?
How does a student connect with more then one Educator in Co:Writer, Word Bank or Snap&Read Universal?
How many Educators can a student using a Don Johnston Universal Tool be connected to?
If a student adds a new code into their account will it delete or deactivate prior codes?
Under Manage students how can I delete/remove all the students on a single page/tab?
How can I delete/remove multiple Students found on the same page/tab in Co:Writer, Snap&Read, uPAR or Wordbank?
How do I delete/remove all the students from Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Wordbank?
How do I remove a student from Co:Writer, Snap&Read or Wordbank?
How can an Educator connect with existing students if they have a district domain license for a Don Johnston Universal tool?
If a student forgets his log-in information, who can help them retrieve or reset their account?
How can I correct a students name, if I misspelled it when I created their CoWriter, Snap and Read, or Word Bank Universal account?
How do I open the CSV report I downloaded from Co:Writer or Snap&Read.
When my student tries to log in to the tool it is prompting them for payment.
Why do I get the message "You have no students set up. In order to access the tool, you must have at least 1 student." When I try and access a Don Johnston Universal tool?
The Co Writer, Snap and Read, and/or Word Bank icon have disappeared from the Chrome Toolbar.
How do I log into the Chrome Browser?
What is the blue bell icon to the left of my name when I login to a tools website as an Admin or Educator?
On the Snap&Read reports page the calendar displays the last date I selected.