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What tools are on the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator tool bar?
What tools are on the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator tool bar?

List of tools on the PDF annotator tool bar

Written by Jason Lewandowski
Updated over 5 years ago

The tools on the Annotator tool bar are listed below in the order they apear on the tool bar.

Highlighter Button-  When you long touch the highlighter the tool has the following options.
Highlighter, Underline tool, Squiggly Underline, and Strike through

Text Button- When you long touch the text tool you will have the following options.

Free Text, Text Callout, Signature

Note Button-  Taping on the note tool then taping in the PDF will let you create a note in the PDF.

Ink Button-  Turns your finger into a pen and lets you make freehand drawings on the PDF.  

Freehand Highlighter Button- Turns your finger into a freehand highlighter in the PDF.   

Magic Ink Button- Lets you make freehand drawings just like with the regular ink tool, but it also recognizes and cleans up common shapes like arrows and circles.

Eraser Button- Turns your finger into an eraser to clean up annotations you made on the PDF with the Ink or Freehand Highlighter.

Shap/Line Button:  When you tap on the line tool you can select the type of shape you would like to draw with the tool. 

The Shape/Line tool has the following options:

Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, and Polyline

Multimedia Button- This lets you add images, stamps, and sound annotation to your document.

Multi-selection Button- This lets you select multiple annotations you have made at the same time.  You can then group/ungroup. copy, save or delete the selected annotations.

Filled in Circle Button- This tool apears when one of the other tools  (Highlighter, Text, Ink, Freehand Highlighter, Magic Ink, Eraser, or the Line/Shape tool) has settings you can change when it is selected.  

Tap on the Filled in Circle to see what settings  (ex. Color, Font, Opacity, Thickness, Background Color) are available for the tool you are using.

Undo / Redo Buttons- Pressing them will either undo or redo your last action, depending on which one you pressed.

Move Tool Bar Button - Pressing on the Button let's you drag the tool bar to the right or left side of the screen.

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