How do I adjust my Snap&Read options when I am in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
How do I use the Speaker Tool in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
How do I use the Text Leveling/Simplify Text tool in the Snap&Read PDF annotator?
How do I use the Translate tool in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
How do I OCR text in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
How do I access the Annotator tools in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
What tools are on the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator tool bar?
How do I open a PDF stored on my Google Drive in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
Can I use the Camera on my iOS device to copy a page of a PDF/worksheet into the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
How can I search for specific words in a PDF that I opened in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
What does the Document Overview tool do?
Can I view all the pages of the PDF in a thumbnail view in the Snap&Read iOS PDF annotator?
Steps to rotate an image in the Snap&Read iOS app.
What is the user icon in the upper right hand corner of the annotator for?