As needed has three settings.
As needed off- As needed is turned off.
As needed- allows you to only see the Co:Writer guess window when you need it.
A blue Co:Writer icon will appear to the right of the cursor.
Click on the Co:Writer icon to have Co:Writer appear to give guesses.
Click on the Co:Writer icon a second time to hide the guess window.
As needed -Speech-to-text- allows you to use Co:Writer speech to text when you need it without a guess window.***
A blue microphone icon will appear to the right of the cursor.
Click on the blue microphone icon to activate it. (The icon will be red when active)
Speak the text you would like written.
Click on the red microphone icon to turn off speech to text.(The icon will be blue when not active)
The text will be highlighted *and read** back to you.
*In options a "Highlight Text color" and "Highlight Background color" need to be selected for highlighting.
**You must have the option "Speak after Speech to text" toggled on to have the text read back to you.
***Speech to Text is not available in the Edge Chromium browser.