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Co:Writer Universal
If you can think it, you can write it.
Using the CoWriter Extension in Google Forms Locked Quiz Mode (Chromebook only)
Co:Writer Universal Desktop (only) Version - End of Life Policy
Description of Main Dictionaries available for the Co:Writer Extension.
What is the difference between the Co:Writer Chrome Kiosk App & the Chrome Extension?
Do I need an internet connection for Speech to Text in Co:Writer Universal?
The Co:Writer Extension can now be used as a Talking Word Processor.
The Co:Writer Universal Chrome Extension works in Google Slides
The Co:Writer Chrome Extension now has Word Highlighting.
The Co:Writer Chrome Extension has a new setting in options "As needed".
How do I change text/words using As needed Speech-to-text.
Steps to place the Co:Writer Extension Guess window horizontally on the bottom of the web page/tab.
How do I get the Co:Writer Extension out of the horizontal position.
How do I Sign Out of the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
How do I get to the options page to adjust settings in the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
The Microphone tool in the Co:Writer Chrome Extension highlights the spoken text when it is read back to you.
How do I type numbers using the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
Steps to toggle Predict ahead on/off in the Co:Writer Extension.
The Co:Writer Extension guess window can be placed in a fixed position.
How do I turn off/on (hide/unhide) the Co:Writer Extension's prediction window?
How do change the Co:Writer Extensions prediction language.
How do I change the Guess window settings in the CoWriter Universal Extension?
CoWriter Universal Extension Guess Window Keyboard Shortcuts.
Can I use the Co Writer Universal Chrome Extension in the OrbitNote PDF Annotator?
The Co:Writer Universal Extension works in Word online.
How do I add/remove personal words in the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
How do I turn a Topic off in the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
How do I Create a Topic in the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
How do I Create a Topic from a Web Page with the CoWriter Universal Extension?
Steps to use selected (highlighted) text to create a topic in the Co:Writer Universal Extension.
How do I activate a Topic in the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
How do I use the Speech to text feature in the Co:Writer Universal Extension?
How do I re-enable the Co:Writer 'speech to text' microphone if I denied access the first time?
How do I Disable the Speech to Text feature in the Co:Writer Universal Chrome Extension and Chrome app ?
Why is my Co:Writer Universal extension 'speech to text' microphone not working?
When I am in test mode how do I Sign out of the Co:Writer Chrome Kiosk app?
How do I adjust options and settings in the Co:Writer Chrome Kiosk app?
How do I change font or text settings in the Co:Writer Universal Chrome app?
When I am in test mode using the Co:Writer Chrome Kiosk App how do I type numbers?
How do I export a document in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app?
How do I delete a document in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app?
How do I Sign out of the Co:Writer Universal iOS app?
How do I activate / deactivate a Topic in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app?
I have no text to speech in my Co:Writer Universal iOS app.
How do I Change the font or text settings in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app?
How to add a word to your Personal Words in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app.
How to create a Topic in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app.
Is there an "Undo" feature to restore work I may have accidentally deleted in Co:Writer Universal iOS?
How do I create a Quick Topic in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app?
How to remove a word from your Personal Words in the Co:Writer Universal iOS app.
No email option in export in Co:Writer Universal iOS.
How to add and enable the Co:Writer Universal keyboard on an iOS device.
The Co:Writer Universal iOS keyboard is not working correctly? (Example keyboard disappears, finger swipe does not work to hear guesses, no text to speech)
Co:Writer Universal iOS Keyboard is asking me to log in, when I am already logged into the iOS app.
How to get to the Settings page on the Co:Writer Universal iOS keyboard.
How do I get to the topics page on the Co:Writer Universal iOS keyboard?
How to switch from the Co:Writer iOS keyboard to another?
There is no speaker icon on the Co:Writer Universal iOS keyboard.
Can I use an external keyboard with the Co:Writer Universal iOS keyboard.
Will the Co Writer Universal iOS keyboard work in Office 365 on my iOS device?
How to use the Co:Writer Universal iOS Keyboard in Canvas on the iPAD.
Co:Writer does not speak the date I add to the doc with the Google Docs "dates" Feature.
The Co:Writer Extensions prediction is frozen in Google Docs and text I type is all in caps.
No text to speech in the Co:Writer Universal Extension on PC.
My Co:Writer Universal Prediction language setting has changed.
The Co:Writer Universal Extension is not giving guesses in the extended Google Doc Margins.
When using Google Docs, why is the CoWriter Universal Extension deleting the last letter before punctuation?
The Co:Writer Universal Extension is not visible in all drop down fields on certain websites
Why does my Co:Writer Extension disappear from my installed extensions?
Speech to text is not working in Co Writer Universal iOS.
Will Co:Writer Universal work with a devices On Screen Keyboard(OSK)?
Why is the Co:Writer Universal Extension deleting the last letter before punctuation?
Co:Writer and/or Snap&Read do not see the Google Doc when I switch the Doc's Page setup too "Pageless"