Steps to remove a page/tab of Educators:*
1. Log into the Don Johnston Tools website.
For Co:Writer go to:
For Snap&Read go to:
For Word Bank go to:
For Quizbot go to:
2. Select Manage educators.
3. Select the page/tab of Educators you would like to remove.
4. On the line above the Educator names click in the box to the left of Select all.**
5. Click on the trashcan that appears.
6. You will see a toast message at the bottom of the page:
"Pending Educator removal" CANCEL***
(Click on CANCEL if you want to cancel the removal)
(Selected Educators will stay greyed out until the removal is done and you refresh the page)
*Mass removal of Educators is only supported on Organizational licenses.
**If you do not see a check box to the right of the Educators name that means that account is an Admin account. Admin accounts cannot be mass removed/deleted.
***Once the CANCEL message goes away the removed Educators cannot be restored.