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Snap&Read Universal
Snap&Read Universal

The tools you need to help you read.

Using the Snap&Read Extension in Google Forms Locked Quiz Mode (Chromebook only)
What is the "Create word bank"* option I see on the Snap&Read drop down menu.
How do I Sign Out of the Snap&Read Universal Extension?
How do I get the Snap&Read Universal Extension to speak using the speaker icon?
How do I use the Snap&Read speak button to read online books?
How do I use the Screenshot reader tool in the Snap&Read Universal Extension to access inaccessible text?
How do I get to the options page for the Snap&Read Universal Extension?
The Snap&Read Universal Chrome Extension will speak MathML that is rendered on sites with MathJax.
The Snap&Read Chrome Extension can now read Alt Text that is within images on a website.
The Snap&Read Chrome Extension now works in OverDrive.
Snap&Read reads math equations created in Google Docs with Equatio.
The Snap&Read Chrome Extension is now compatible with Sora and Libby for OverDrive .
What languages does Snap&Read support when it reads math equations created with EquatIO?